Thank you for your interest for donating at Kaan Pere Roi.
Kaan Pete Roi is Bangladesh’s first and only emotional support and suicide prevention helpline. The mission of the helpline is to alleviate feelings of despair, isolation, distress, and suicidal intent among members of our community. Kaan Pete Roi accomplishes this through confidential, compassionate, and open-minded listening.
Depending on what is most convenient for you, there are numerous ways to donate to Kaan Pete Roi:
1. Directly depositing into Kaan Pete Roi’s bank account:
Account Name: Kaan Pete Roi Foundation
Account Number: 1101100019577
Bank Name: Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd.
Branch Name: Dhanmondi Branch.
Routing No: 090261183
2. Writing us an account payee cheque in the name of “Kaan Pete Roi Foundation.” Then, you can mail the cheque/drop it off at our office/we can pick it up from you at a convenient time.
In either case, we would ask that you confirm the amount you deposited via email; we will then issue you a donation receipt.
If neither of the options above are convenient for you, it is also possible to donate cash if you would prefer. Please let us know what you think, or if you have any additional questions.
If you have questions or need more information or need support in the process of making donation please call us at +880 1713-048013 or email us at
Thank you again for donating!